Monday, May 20, 2013


Bullying Hurts- Amanda

How is Bullying a Social Injustice?

Many people don't see it, but bullying is a type of social injustice. Social injustice is an act of unfairness or injustice in society divisions caused by the oppressors worldwide view of humanity. Bullying is to overpower and influence someone to do what the oppressor wants the victim to do. The oppressor, or bully, uses words or actions to make the victim feel bad about themselves. When the bully succeeds in making the victim feel bad about themselves they try to make them believe that the bullies are better than them. Therefore, bullies are discouraging people all over the world, acting unfairly towards them, and separating their social classes very noticeably.

Types of bullying:

There are many types of bullying and all of them involve social injustice. Physical bullying is hurting or harassing a person, who you may think isn't equal to you, and verbal bullying to do the same but with words. There's also indirect, spreading rumors or embarrassing facts about a person, social alienation, to isolate a person and keep them away from everybody, and intimidation, which is frightening them. Cyber bullying is considered to be the worst type of bullying. Cyber bullying someone means to bully them over the internet. It can be the worst because, you might not even know the person bullying you, the bully has no restrictions and can figure out your personal information.

What Causes Bullying:

Causes of bullying can vary from how much the oppressor knows about you. If the bully knows a lot about you and your family they can spread embarrassing and private things around the school to make you seem unnatural. Parental relations, academic achievements (grades), in-supportive peers, and your physical appearance are all causes of bullying. It's sad because some of these you cannot change whether you have a learning disability or your parents are divorced, it's not your fault and you can't change it. What is also sad is why the bullies do what they do. Research shows the two main reason people bully are because, the are bullied themselves, or they this that it will make them more popular. They want to fit in with everybody else, they don't want to be an outcast and be picked on themselves.

Sources of Information:

- Amanda